Helping to take
back control
Get Psorted is an educational resource and support network for Australians living with psoriasis. Created by Janssen Immunology in 2010 the initiatives original identity was in urgent need of attention to better align and connect with its community.
— Marque
— Identity
— Art Direction
— Website
— Social Media
Our goal was to challenge the original works stereotypical imagery and insensitive visual metaphors. To create a direction with a more genuine, confident and controlling role — a realistic portrayal of people living with psoriasis, showing their courage, stories and experiences.

— Ali Nasseri
— Rokeby Studios
The photography had a clear objective, to showcase the strength and positive attitude of Australians who live with psoriasis. Studio photography allowed us to focus on the individuals and capture their personalities.

The messaging was communicated across a range of applications using Facebook as the key platform to communicate and connect with the wider community.

The rebranding work and subsequent campaigns have successfully engaged the community more effectively and increased traffic to their Facebook page.
Creative Lead
— Chris Thomas
Project Lead
— Senate SHJ
— Ali Nasseri